The Rise of the Camel Startup: Embracing Sustainability in a Post-Unicorn Era
In the world of startups, the allure of becoming a unicorn has long been the driving force behind many entrepreneurial ventures. However,...
The Rise of the Camel Startup: Embracing Sustainability in a Post-Unicorn Era
Managing the Hyphen: Role Identity Struggles in an Age of Slash workers and hybrid entrepreneurs
The Pale Blue Dot as a wake-up call: Germany's space strategy and the art of the possible
Double-Dipping into Success: Why Hybrid Entrepreneurship as Slash Work is the Career of the Future
AI Harmonics: Dancing with the Eloquent Intern in the Age of Mansplaining Machines
100 questions for AI
The Rulebook is Changing: Millennials, AI and the Economy of Zero Marginal Cost
Personal Branding: Who Can Scream the Loudest? A Tale of Misunderstandings