Stephanie Wissmann
For enterprises and startups looking for fresh and new perspectives BEYOND THE OBVIOUS.
I work as a researcher and entrepreneur in residence at the University of federal army, as a lecturer at Munich Business School and Digital Business University in Berlin, as a Co-Founder of secublox. I have founded and initiated with a friend the secret supper club and culinary studio Let´s Dine. I brought stepanini, worklabinnovation and Bibliothek der Gefühle into the world.
My projects are focussed on exploring innovation and entrepreneurship in all its forms (be it hybrid or public), on how this affects possible futures of work and how growth (be it professional or business) is pursued.

In my role as CMO at SpaceFounders, the first European spacetech accelerator launched in Spring 2021, I'm tasked with building up the community and forming strategic partnerships. My aim is to make SpaceFounders stand out among the multitude of existing accelerator programs. Succeeded so far.

"Let's Dance" is the name of a successful TV show. We support the call to dance. One should dance a lot. One should also eat very well. With strangers, smart, interesting people. At special places. That is then more than just a good meal. That is almost art. Or something in between.
That's why there is "Let's Dine." Let's have a delicious time.
It has a little sister: Le salon.

The Space Leaders Society is a community of entrepreneurs, innovators, and leaders focused on shaping the emerging space industry. Through connecting space with art, philosophy and business, we aim to apply the Overview Effect to create a more connected and inspired world.

stepanini is a lifestyle blog. The woman magazine "myself" once called it "slow media" at its best. Nothing more to add.
It started as a fun project out of curiosity over 15 years ago and is still dear to my hear. Courage is always rewarded.
What others say about me.
In case you wonder how it is to work with me.
I let others do the talking. The range of projects differs, but the attitude and approach of working stays the same.
Demetrio Migliorati
Director & Head of Innovation at Banco Mediolanum, Co-Founder atFoolFarm & Contract Professor at Ca' Foscari & Cattolica Universities
“Stephanie is extremely creative, committed and dedicated to her mission: innovate. She often surprises people with her out of the box thinking and unconventional ways to address issues. Stephanie has kindness and positiveness in each act. Working and collaborating with Stephanie is simply beautiful."
Jochen Werne
Chief Development & Chief Visionary Officer at Prosegur Germany and Managing Director at Prosegur Crypto GmbH
"Working with Stephanie on innovation projects is a great pleasure. She is inspiring, challenging, motivating and result oriented. She helped us becoming a driver for innovation and the banking industry."
Sabine Delorme
Head of People & Culture Valtech Germany
“Stephanie is great at looking at complex cross-functional projects and quickly detects and resolves inefficiencies, weak points and communication problems. She is very perceptive and has an amazing ability to assess people’s motivation and ability to collaborate with each other.
I see her as a thought leader in Executive Leadership, Digitalization and New Ways of Working and will always think of her as doing leading edge work.”
Lucie Campagnolo
CEO SpaceFounders France
“I have had the privilege of working alongside Stephanie for three years and am consistently impressed by her uniqueness. Her creativity, depth of thought, and approach to problem-solving are truly unparalleled. Stephanie possesses a unique ability to delve deeply into any subject matter, avoiding the all-too-common trap of superficial solutions. Her commitment to originality is evident, she produces work that is both innovative and irreplaceable.
Stephanie's mastery of new technologies is noteworthy, yet it is her judicious use of AI that sets her apart."
Gotthard von Falkenhausen
CEO for PE-funded businesses
"I had the pleasure of working with Stephanie for almost 3 years. Stephanie is very energetic, immensely competent and always good-humored, even when the situation is difficult. She came up with creative, but practical solutions that matched our needs, and had the drive and stamina to see them through. I would work with her again anytime."
Robert Brückmann
Director of Center for Municipal Heat (KKW)
“Stephanie is one of the most enriching partners for a productive and deep conversation on the current development in the fields internet of things and its impact on future of labor as well as its social implications. Her knowledge that covers both temporary as well as traditional thinkers is outstanding. Even more important, she is able to base her own analysis on that solid foundation and present her findings in a very sophisticated and entertaining way.”
Martin Kinting
"Stephanie Wißmann is an exceptionally motivated talent in creativity and organization. She combines in-depth knowledge of innovation management methods with drive and a hands-on mentality. She is highly skilled in communication and leadership, reliably, inspiringly, and successfully leading teams in marketing and business development."
Prof. Dr. Markus Dietz
Professor für Aerodynamik und Thermodynamik bei Universität der Bundeswehr München
"I have worked with Stephanie in the context with my involvement in start-up developing a novel aircraft design. I was impressed by Stephanie's ability to quickly get to the heart of the concept and come up with valuable ideas for the descriptive presentation and commercialization of our idea.
Stephanie is very good in breaking down technical concepts to the use level and promoting these concepts in an understandable fashion for non-technicians."
Dr. Jutta Krienke
Geschäftsführerein IT, ESG-Expert
"If you desire an inspiring business lead you'll find in Stephanie a personality who has not only a vision but also a beautiful creativity in multifaceted respects such as marketing, UX-Design, problem solving, modern aesthetics and many aspects more. What you as an successful entrepreneur will like even more is her ability to influence others - to form a team and an organisation in order to drive innovation, create new ventures und close one deal after the other."
Working for the Best Clients

Susan Sontag said, "I write to find out what I think." I follow her example.
My latest thoughts.